Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Beartooths

My last few days in Montana were spent camping with the Yuchas and Showers families.

Have you ever noticed that you snap the most pictures when you're bored?  Maybe that's why your kids end up with a ton of photos of their least favorite part of vacation and I ended up with relatively few pictures of this weekend.

We camped in part of the Beartooth Mountains, inside the Gallatin National Forest.  It's spectacular country within a couple miles drive of Billings.  The woods were packed with campers and we were lucky to get our own spot by a small pond.  No fish in that pond  but there were plenty in Trout Lake and the river that ran through the campsite.

This was the view from our campsite!
These folks are clearly professional campers.  I caught a hint of that fact when Danice walked me through her camping boxes at the beginning of the week, and witnessed it first hand over the weekend with both families.  (Once again, thank you for letting me borrow your gear at the Tetons!)

There were fires, s'mores, and ridiculously satisfying meals.  We shot guns, played cards, fished and ate all weekend.  If it hadn't rained all day Saturday, there probably would have been more fishing.  Danice was patient enough to show me how to fly fish on Day 2.  I didn't catch anything but Eric sure did!  I have never tasted fish that good.

We even got to stop by Natural Bridge on the way home - a spectacular natural wonder.  Picture a whirlpool that goes underground and comes out as a gigantic waterfall roaring out of the middle of a cliff.

Montana is absolutely beautiful country and I am a little jealous that my friends get to live there.  Well . . . I'm jealous of them in August and they can come visit me in Texas come February.

Breakfast in the rain
The adorable Yvonna Yucha before we left on Friday

Danice gets her road legs back 
Think Vonny and Eric
will get a 4-wheeler from Santa?

Danice instructs me on flyfishing

I attempt to flyfish

They guy knows how to fish
with his little "helper"


Evidence of a good night 
Group photo at Natural Bridge
How did I forget my sunglasses?

Next Stop: Chicago

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