Saturday, August 22, 2015

Oklahoma City

My last few stops in the US were to visit family before flying to France.  First was a day in Oklahoma City to visit my friend Erin and her family.  She is my sister in spirit and because my parents have pretty much adopted her.  Then it was on to Longview and Houston to see my Mom and Dad right before flying out.  

It was great to see Erin at home and shaping young minds.  Her adorable son, nieces and nephews as well as her students benefit from her creativity and tireless drive to give them a good life.  

Mom and Dad, as gracious and caring as always, sent me off with love . . . and gratefully without verbalizing any fears they have about their daughter flying to foreign places without a return ticket.  They have been through this several times before with their kids.

Love you all!

Erin and Mike are so creative!
They made this playboard for Corbett
Everybody loves a little red wagon ride

This picture is a longstanding tradition between me and Erin
The addition of Corbett is a good one :)

Next stop:  France