Friday, February 12, 2016

Buenos Aires part II

Buenos Aires and I have bad timing.

The first stay was over New Years, when all the Portenos were with their families at the beach.

My second stay was over a long holiday weekend from Sunday night to Wednesday.  It turns out a lot of the charming things Buenos Aires offers were not available during the two days I was. 

Museums are closed on Mondays. 
The famous Closed Door restaurants of Buenos Aires only open their doors Wednesday – Saturday nights.
I experienced bad weather for literally the first time on my trip. 

It wasn’t a complete loss though . . . the Milongas were open on Tuesday night and, this time my coworkers were both in town :)

I spent most of the stormy Sunday night re-entering the real world, looking for places to stay upon my return to Houston, updating calendars, etc.  I watch the end of the Superbowl, which is not nearly as entertaining in Spanish.  And I spent a fair amount of Monday and Tuesday during the day finishing what I started Sunday night, inbetween museum and park visits.  The real world is significantly less interesting than the adventures I’ve been having these last few months. 

Monday night was a nice dinner at La Cabrera with my two coworkers and spouse.  The company was great and that was ultimately the best steak (Lomo) that I’ve had on the trip.  It turns out Ross is not only a food-scene sleuth, but also good friends with my cousin back in Texas!  It’s a small world.

Ross, the restaurant expert, and cousin friend

Tuesday night was dipping my toe in Tango.  I found a place that offered tango lessons and then salsa lessons on Tuesdays.  I got there late for the tango class (but still enjoyed watching the end) and then joined in the salsa lessons.  If the dance partners are any indication, I need to go to Columbia next!  But I honestly didn’t stay long.  I had the real world on my mind, and dancing while out of practice and trying to simultaneously make conversation in Spanish is hard.  So I enjoyed watching some really good dancers for a while and turned in early (like midnight because this is Buenos Aires after all).  

Because Buenos Aires was last on the agenda, it turns out I am at the end of my trip and camera-less.  My phone is broken, and I discovered that my camera charger was left somewhere in Chile.  So while I wandered the city, enjoying the parks, the people and the culture.  I have no pictures of my last 2 days in Buenos Aires except the two Ross sent me from Monday’s dinner.  

In general, Buenos Aires offered me a chill place to slowly adjust to the idea of coming home for good.  All those things I've been putting off now have to get done.  At least I could eat well, drink well, and enjoy this city's awesome Latin culture while I was readjusting.   I love Argentina.

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